
A blog to share about Adrenal insufficiency, Addison's Disease, Aspergers Syndrome, Autism, Music, Inspiration, Scrapbooking and other elements viewed through the lens of my life. I'm hoping that others who are traveling this journey may find some commonality, and maybe some information and inspiration.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Isn't this a lovely catalog cover? It's for a line of clothing that I love, Carol Anderson by invitation. Great designer clothes at a reasonable cost, lots of cute styles. I always spend too much money, but I wear them all the time. For years. Check it out if you aren't familiar with CAbi.

Here are some of my picks:

I also got a pair of grey jeans (I love! CAbi jeans) and a pair of cargo pants, a skirt and a pair of shorts. Which go with all of the above. Which, combined with the basics of black pants and leggins, grey pants and black skirts, and sweaters I already own combine to make about 50 different outfits for spring. Works for me!

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